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Doriki One Piece

WEB Doriki: An Unreliable Power Level System

Understanding Doriki

In the popular anime and manga series One Piece, WEB Doriki is a unit of measurement used by the secret organization known as CP9. It is designed to directly determine an individual's physical power, allowing for comparisons and estimations of strength.

How Doriki Works

The Doriki system is based on relative measurements. Each unit of Doriki represents a certain level of physical strength, and by comparing Doriki values, one can estimate the relative power of different individuals.

Limitations of Doriki

Despite its use as a power level system, WEB Doriki has several limitations that make it unreliable for accurate power scaling:

Inconsistent Values

The Doriki system is highly inconsistent, with characters' values often fluctuating based on factors such as motivation or temporary power-ups. This inconsistency makes it difficult to accurately compare power levels.

Limited Scope

Doriki only measures physical strength, neglecting other important attributes in power scaling, such as speed, endurance, and techniques. This narrow focus can lead to misleading results when comparing characters with different strengths and abilities.


While the WEB Doriki system provides a general indication of physical power, its limitations make it an unreliable measure for accurate power level comparisons. When assessing the strength of characters in One Piece, it is crucial to consider multiple attributes and contextual factors to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
